Tracing The Contour

Sitting Looking by Mark Andrew Webber

(Click on the image to open a new tab with a larger version of the picture)


me_recent (1)This is an ongoing series of line figure works that are based around simplicity, using one single line to convey the human form. The shapes of the human form are varied, there are more shapes than just the outlines of the individual body parts. Shapes are also created by shadows and tones of the body from the various directions of light, and also from the curves of the form. It‘s trying to capture all that information, and convey it in a visually interesting and simplistic way. They are drawn from previous lifedrawings as reference and then carved out of linoleum and printed.


Age 17 – St Bartholomew‘s School, Newbury

ThomasI’m a 17-year-old clarinettist and pianist in my second year of studying composition at the Junior Royal Academy of Music under John Cooney. My composing highlights include having a fanfare performed at the Royal Albert Hall and being introduced to the Queen after a piece that I composed was performed at the 2015 Commonwealth Observance Day. Mark Andrew Webber’s linocut portraits intrigued me the first time I saw them. I was fascinated by how their superficially simple lines conveyed so much. The continuous line in each forms the shape of a body. This struck me as an exciting premise for a composition. The continuous line gave me the idea that the piece would constantly be moving forwards. It would speed up step by step to a final climax, perhaps echoing the process of a drawing reaching completion. In the opening melody for solo flute, I hoped to bring the same elegance to the music that Mark achieves in his depiction of the human form.